Sunday 20 November 2011

Sing, hum, whistle

Sing.  Really sing.  Belt it out.  To the rafters.  (For example, at a karaoke or similarly appropriate place).  Give it all you've got.  It's good for breathing deeper, too.

At home, put on some music, and sing along.  Don't worry about your skill.  Don't be too shy.  Just let it all out.  Happy it all out.  (Happy as a verb?  Why not.)

If you're in a place where you can't sing loudly, then sing low.  Or hum.  Hum under your breath.  Even for just a moment.  Any cheerful tune.  You can make one up.  If you like.  Just say Tra-la-la-la-la, and go on from there. No need to put too much effort into it.   Let it happy out naturally.

Try to sing or hum or whistle a little, every day.  It's very uplifting.

Any pleasant song or tune.   The more positive the better.  For instance, I know someone who loves to sing or hum Christmas Carols like "Jingle Bells" and "Deck the halls", at any time of the year...  The lyrics and maybe even a sing-along version can be found on the internet.

NB. Whether singing or putting on the radio, TV, music system, etc., let's always be considerate of the people, children, and pets in the same house, or next door, or in the neighbourhood.  Even during the daytime or weekend.  Since we ourselves wouldn't like to be disturbed, let's not disturb others.  Keep the volume low, and try to use headphones as often as possible.  Cheers.

Deeper breaths

 Take deeper, slower breaths.

They can be done anywhere.  They don't have to be huge.  Or in any way noticeable.

When you exhale, imagine that you are whoooooooshing out, blowing out all your worries.

And imagine that you are drawing in happiness.  Hope.  Beautiful things to come.  Beautiful, sparkling mountain air.  Lovely, alpine meadows.  Fresh.  Crisp.  Sparkling.  Pure.  Full of Spring sunlight. Flowers everywhere.  The sight of them.  The scent of them. Near you, birds are singing.  And a mountain stream is dancing.  Merrily.  Full of joy.  Your heart lifts.  You take off your shoes.  Dip a toe in the cool, refreshing water.  Then walk barefoot on the soft, green grass...

Or think of any lovely, natural landscape you like.  A green park.  A river.  A lake.  An ocean.   Picture yourself there.   For a moment's vacation. While gently breathing in...  just a little deeper... a little slower...

Until you start feeling calmer... more relaxed...

Be kind to be calm

Be kind -- to have a calm life.  A calm, spiritually meaningful life.  The only type of true, real, life that there is.

Plus, kindness -- kindness in thoughts, words, deeds -- compassion to others, and compassion to ourselves -- will give us inner peace.  An inner oasis.  No matter what our outer circumstances are.  No matter what obstacles we have to battle.  This is what I've come to believe in, more and more, as I continue on my journey.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Be kind

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

 -   Philo