Sunday 3 March 2013

Wa + Tasche = Watasche -- carry your watasche everywhere with you

"Wa" in Japanese, especially in cultural terms, means "harmony; serenity; balance".

(By the way, "watashi" in the same language, Japanese, has the meaning of "I". ( "I" as in, e.g. "I like...").

However, moving on to another language, "Tasche" is a German word which translates to "pocket".

From the two words above -- wa and tasche -- we can make the word "watasche".

"Watasche" -- meaning "harmony pocket" -- i.e. a pocket filled with harmony, calm, tranquillity.

In this particular situation, I'd like to think of "Tasche" as an internal pocket --  the heart -- because we carry our heart with us, wherever we go, and wherever we are...  But it's up to each of us to decide exactly what we are going to put in it.

May you and I and everyone in this world always fill our watasche -- our "harmony pocket" -- with perspective, contentment, and calm every moment, everywhere we go, and everywhere we are...

NB. Some notes regarding pronunciation:

wa:   rhymes with fa in father

tasche:  ta rhymes with fa in father;
sche -- like shu in the English word shutter

Further, if you'd like to hear the above words, I hope the following pronunciation links will be helpful:

Saturday 2 March 2013

At least you'll please yourself

If you always do what interests you, at least one person is pleased.

-- Katharine Hepburn

Friday 1 March 2013

The secret meaning of B612 in “The Little Prince”?

To find out, click on the following link:

Darcy's first marriage proposal to Elizabeth: Quiz

Here's the quiz.  With answers at the end.  Click on the link below, and enjoy!

Gifts at prideandprejudiceooh online shop

E.g., a keychain costs only US $ 2.95.

The items are high-quality, and any of the products would make a wonderful gift...

Choose some things for your friends and for yourself  --  to lift the heart, and add a little more sparkle to the daily hectic, hurly-burly rush of life.

Why not?!  We could all do with a bit of a tonic from time to time.

These gifts are for all of us who will always believe in love and happiness.

   Please  share on Facebook, Twitter, and so on,

-- and buy!   

You can also click on the link below to visit the online shop:

See my store at Zazzle

With warm wishes,

Pride and Prejudice gifts at

Please click on the link below, to visit my online shop for Pride and Prejudice gifts:


Any straight lines in Nature?

Something to think about:  are there any perfectly straight lines to be found in Nature?

(NB. Please also see my blog post of 1st Jan. 2013, titled "Happy New Year, everyone!", where I wrote about a river's winding path and compared it to life - "We'll get there in the end.  Life is not a straight line..."