Friday 9 December 2011

The bravery of small things

It was raining quite hard today, and on some instinct, some impulse, I was drawn to the window.

Looking out, I saw a sight I will never forget.

Birds.  Small birds.  A flock of them.  They had gathered on the roof of the building opposite.  Although there was plenty of shelter nearby, where they could have gone to keep safe, and stay out of the rain, they were not in the least concerned with taking cover.

They just stayed where they were.  In the driving rain.  In some sort of still, dreaming meditation....  Serene.  As if welcoming hardship.  Braving it.  Enduring it.  No retreat.  No surrender.  Stoic.  It took my breath away.  Unearthly.....

Half an hour later, I went back to the window to check.  The birds were still there.  In the pouring rain.   A few of them were moving their feathers quietly for a moment, but most remained absolutely calm, peaceful, dreaming....

It touched my heart.  An "amber" moment.  Preserved in amber.  For all time.  For eternity.  The bravery of small things......